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Learning/teaching/training activity in Romania

1-5 May 2017

The 5th and the last learning/teaching/training activity was held in Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.7, Giurgiu, Romania. In this meeting participated 25 students and 13 teachers from Greece, Finland, Italy and Malta, together with students and teachers from Romania.


The objectives of the meeting were:

- Carrying out workshops for recycling textiles and props for the plays

- Performing theatrical show with environmental topic

- Preventing waste generation through innovative methods and strategies

- Raising awareness among students regarding environment protection

- Overview upon the project activities and discussions regarding the final report


During the meeting in Romania there were organized two workshops for recycling textiles and one workshop for making the props used in the plays performed in Giurgiu. As the first day of activities was 1st of May and there was a day off in Romania, the hosting institution organized a textile recycling workshop in Malu, a village close to Giurgiu, together with parents who, after the workshop, showed the guests how Romanians celebrate 1st of May. During the workshop students and teachers made textile bags with recyclable textile ornaments. For this activity the Romanian school established a partnership with the municipality of Malu and the primary school of Malu. The municipality of Malu provided the space for the workshop. After the workshop parade was organized and students presented their bags to the community from Malu. The next day students from all participant schools, helped by their teachers, worked on the props for the plays. For this workshop, each partner had sent the hosting institution a list with necessary materials and the students and teachers from Romanian school gathered recyclable paper, cardboards, wood and plastic, and also provided glue, paint and scissors. There were also workshops for rehearsing the plays and on the 4th meeting day, students performed on the stage of the Cultural Centre in Giurgiu. For this show students presented the plays they had written: Finland: “What Would You Do Differently?”; Greece: “ERYSICHTHON lives on?”; Italy: “Good Manners Are Also Recycling”; Malta: “Ecolino”. On the 3rd day, the hosting institution organized a workshop for creating toys from recycled textile at the Museum of the Romanian Peasant in Bucharest. Students were taught how to make toys from recycled cloth, guided by an artisan from the museum. On the last day of the meeting, an exhibition was organized for the local community, with the objects created by the students, who took them home with them after the meeting, to be used in future. After the meeting all participants received certificates of participation.

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